Saturday, November 5, 2011

London Heathrow - uh oh

Arrived in London early this morning. The "international" phone ..... DOESN'T WORK. Can't make any calls, even to *228 (Verizon) to update my roaming capabilities. No outbound calls possible. Hmmm.... I ended up using this thing they call a "land line" and a "calling card" to call home :-) Wake up, Michael! It's 6:25am your time! :) Took me an hour to get hooked up to the wireless internet while sipping my Starbucks Latte (thank God!).

I've seen so many Accenture ad's here at the airport. New mascot... a big fat Sheep. I guess they figured that the sheep wouldn't get caught cheating on his wife....with every other sheep in the land.

Can't wait to get on the plane and into India. Bring on the culture shock (so I'm told!). Since I won't be able to pretend that I'm a local, guess I will go picture crazy once I get there.

~Elizabeth/Betsy/ZibbaZoo OUT!
(These guys have no idea what they are in for.... If my Woburn, MA team thinks I'm CrAzY, this should be fun!)


  1. Glad you got to enjoy the Starbucks! Enjoy the culture shock and I can't wait to see the pictures. Mom

  2. Cannot wait to see photos(: miss you!
